I’ve got something to say

Every now and again I’ll share in this spot some of the challenges I go through with my words.  Trust me my words can get me into trouble and save me as well.  You learn as  you grow and the more you use your words in a beneficial way, well, it seems the karma around you just smiles.


Have you ever had one “of those days”?  Seems like today was one of them, no matter what I spoke I just did not seem to get my message across.  Working in a jail can really challenge your use of words.  What word challenges do you have?


As you can tell I have been working on this blog and my books for a while now, I write in the diary when there is something to share that relates to our issue with words, things I learn, things I overhear and of course the things you have all shared with me.

I am so grateful to be given this opportunity as we work together to remove those negative forces and words from our lives, to bring more calm and peace and… love.  Boy, our world can use a lot more love lately.


Do you remember the saying “garbage in, garbage out”?  I need to research where that phrase came from and now that it’s been adapted by the health field as relating to food and it fits, however for our words and life it fits as well.  What words we take into us will feed right back out in negativity.  Being abused you soul gets cluttered with so many negative thoughts and it’s no wonder why so many abused children grow up to be hateful negative people.  How do we stop the chain reaction?  When we are young we have no idea how to stop the abuse however when we are older there are steps we can take, steps outlined in my book that help us overcome the negative and sometimes evil things done to us as children.  Remember we are no longer children and we are seeking for answers and that search will bring you peace!
